SCM Documentaion is Useful

It’s very common for software engineers to document procedures. Perhaps it should be required for everyone. For some, it’s always been this way. To others, this is new. I’m not sure why it’s not always done right up front since documentation makes us all more efficient. But what makes good documentation?

First, let’s talk about the most common type of documentation: the data dump. This is the kind of documentation that barely meets the requirements of ‘it’s documented.’ Technically it might be documented, but since there is too much information presented it may not be useful.   This is the kind of documentation you get from people who don’t believe in documentation, but are forced to do it – created when the writer’s time is deemed more important than the reader’s time.

I like to follow the principles as outlined in the book, Presenting To Win: the art of telling your story by Jerry Weissman.  It means looking over the pile of information and deciding how it needs to be presented. It means putting the user’s time ahead of the writer’s time. After having done this for many process documentation projects, I now have a pattern to share that improved my documentation.   Hopefully, it will improve yours.

Start with the different types of information contained in the documentation, such as domain information and technical information.   An example of domain knowledge is a specific servers name and port, or the policies regarding naming conventions, such as “all build machines are on the sub net.   Technical knowledge is the command used to change the name. So if the documentation includes changing a host name to meet the standard convention, there is some domain knowledge and some technical involved. Start by separating the two types.

When considering the user of the software engineering documentation, the user needs can be found in the four quadrants of the matrix below, based on domain vs technical knowledge.

Junior Software Engineer Senior Software Engineer
new to domain both domain information
domain veteran technical instructions none


Since you won’t always know which quadrant the user is in, it’s best to write documentation with the varying user needs in mind. Assuming senior engineers are more highly paid than junior engineers, domain information should come first. A new senior level system administrator will have the technical knowledge but not the domain knowledge, so make it easy for to find the domain knowledge without having to read through all the technical details. Here is are a couple examples

  1. Change the system name to meet the standard naming convention
    1. Naming conventions are found here…
    2. Instructions for changing system names are found here…
  2. Change the IP address
    1. Available IP address are found here…
    2. Instructions for changing system IP addresses are found here…

The senior engineer who has been with the company can stop at reading the numbered step instructions. The senior engineer who just got hired will read the top level steps, plus dive into the second level sections as needed. The junior engineer who has been with the company will read the top level steps, possibly will skip some second level sections, but will read others.   The junior engineer who just got hired will probably need all sections of the documentation.

The goal here it so make it easy for the end user to find just the right amount of information needed. Eliminate wasted time reading stuff already known by the user. At the same time, be sure to include all of the information needed so the SCM team isn’t needed.

SCM Documentation is Useful

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